Saturday, April 25, 2009

Welll... Here's some pictures of the kids at the boom park. It was our first trip of the year a few days ago. They had a lot of fun. Eve is the poser. I think the one of Monroe posing is really... funny shall we say. He is so cool. And then of course, everywhere we go we gotta have a picture of Clara sleeping. And did I mention, she's been sleeping through the night for a week now. Isn't she neat? I decide to keep her.

Monroe was SO handsome for church.

Thought my little man looked especially handsome for church last Sunday.

Skateland with Ash, Mas, Daniel & Tab.

Eve was soooo excited and suffering so LOUD and painfully with the need to go to skateland with Asher and Mason there. Daniel and Tab were the bonus. So, I took her and she really had a great time. She's quite the social gal. And chip stealer. (Ask Tab) We laid Clara on the table between me and Tab. The music was so loud we had to yell to talk to each other. And Clara just slept.... She must get that from her daddy.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Eve can pump! Clara Smiles! & Flowers

Here's a picture of Eve pumping on the swings in the back yard. Even last week Eve would ask me to push her or the other neighbor kids, guess now she has wised up to pumping. My big girl!! *sniffle* And then some cute flower wands they made at preschool. This morning at 8:48 am Clara smiled... at Josh. Punk baby. Josh reminded me that Eve smiled at him first too... you know, the first real on purpose one. Clara's beautiful.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My kid can do a cooler trick than yours!

Well.... It seems that Clara is so talented that she can pee out her belly button. Hmm... Interesting isn't it. The purpose of this tube that goes from her bladder to her belly button was to remove urine through the umbilical cord for the first 23 weeks of fetal development.(And then obviously after that it is not needed because pee is the amniotic fluid.. yummy) The hope and most likely outcome is that it will close on it's own by 4 months. If not she will have what Dr. Aunt Liz says is a "medium" surgery. I had asked if it's teeny or major. Apparently, medium. It's a 3-5 day stay from what I've read. That sounds not fun. My poor baby. But, sounds like it is likely to go away on it's own anyway. She had a granuloma removed from her button, and she will keep getting those and have them removed til it closes. Quite the trick huh? In case anyone is interested further it is called Patent Urachus.

Pictures with Grandma Greene...

I made a little lamby cake. Baa baa. Really easy but it looks neat. Eve and Monroe did the cupcakes. Then we have a picture of Grandma and Clary. Yay. And then we have a 4 generation picture. Guess that makes Grandma O-L-D. Don't worry, I didn't actually say it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Clary rolled over at 8:36pm!

Clary was just having a little neck workout while I got the kids in bed. Then all the sudden she rolled to her side. I think my heck my child is advanced. THEN my little genius rolled all the way. Didn't expect that at 6 weeks old. Also, she was weighed today and she is 10 lbs 9 oz. Passed the big 1-0. Crazy. Maybe I'll just duct tape her down and quit feeding her.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Grandpa Greene's passing.

Grandpa Greene passed away on the the 1st of this month. I've been thinking about him and grandma a lot the past few days. Even though we knew that he was sick I thought he was doing well lately. So I guess I was a little suprised. We are fortunate to have a book that Rick and Mandy made that has just tons of cool pictures of grandma and grandpa and their brothers and sisters as well as kids, grandkids and great-grandkids. We did a lot of fun things with them. I remember going to their house on the water and playing on their slip-n-slide for hours on end. Grandpa took us innertubing on the back of the boat, I remember having so much fun doing that that my smiler hurt. Grandpa making home made ice cream and salmon for family get togethers. A man that had a lot of character-- he always worked hard. He took really good care of the things he owned, and I remember as a kid even noticing that he took really good care of things. A quiet happy man with a big heart. I guess as I stand back and think about it life is so short. But it seems to me that grandpa lived a very full life. I will always remember him as a man that loved a lot. When he was here and hugged me or other people, you could tell he really meant it. I know he is in heaven now and with his Father in Heaven. And he's not sad. But we are, because truly good people like grandpa is aren't so common.