Friday, January 30, 2009

Clara Photo Shoot- Vogue!

These are ultrasound pictures from Jan. 29. My beautiful baby. The top picture is a jumbo picture of her foot. The bottom is a picture of her lip and chin with her hand over her eyes. Awwww. She's estimated to weight 6 lbs. 13 oz.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Kangaroo Kapers

Saturday Eve and Monroe went to a class at the hospital for kids whose mommies are going to have babies. They read them an Arthur book, blah blah.... and they talked to all the kids about how it is important to sit right next to mommy and hold the babies head up. When it got to Monroe's turn to hold the dolly he said he didn't want to. The teacher asked why not, because most of the kids really were excited about having a turn. He said "We have our own Clara, over there..." Pointing to me. That kid doesn't miss a thing. Wellll, then they took the kids upstairs to tour labor and delivery. That to me was the most useful part,the kids are familiar with it now so that is cool. They even showed the kids a baby that was only a few hours old and the kids thought that was neat. Heck, it made me want to have mine now! Thing is they showed us a little 6 lb baby.... I told the kids Clara won't be that little. Clara is measuring 4 weeks ahead now. Heck, maybe it's fluid, I'll wish that. But the good part about Elephant Clara is that I get to have an ultrasound on Thursday! Will post pictures of my beautiful girl. And maybe check to see that we do indeed have a Clara not a Clark. Eve and Monroe will be a terrific big brother and sister!

Clara's baby shower

This Saturday the girls at work threw a baby shower for me and Clara. It turned out very well. Lots of friends, family, food and gifts for the little Clara. It was touching to have so many people involved and well wishing of Clara. This first picture is one of the gifts from Tab & Elise. A cute little giraffe towel. Awww.. eventually she'll be getting all dry in. (Probably screaming saying, "Ahhh! This bath is wet!") Tab and Elise also gave Clara an Einstein toy, my baby will be so smart. Of course.
This is a picture of one of the games we played. It was really neat to see baby pictures of co-workers. Funny thing is everyone knew which one was me by the hair. Hmmm Most people you could tell which one was theirs by the resemblence of their own children to them as kids.
This is the pile of loot. Kinda felt weird having that many gifts for Clara.... but that ackward feeling quickly subsided and digging in began. We are forunate to have so many people already loving Clara.

This is a little BYU shirt. I guess Mandy's Charlie won't be wearing a matching pink one afterall. But why not, real men can wear pink. Mandy, why don't you tell Jerel that, k? (ha)

This is one of my favorite gifts, if I had favorites, which I don't.... This is a handmade rag quilt from Michelle. It has Clara's name ebroidered on one of the squares. Michelle is quite ambitious. Super cute!

Ivy brought a cute little baby and mommy turtle for Clara. We've already packed the baby one to go to the hospital with us to be her special little stuffy. And Ivy gave me a dozen pink roses, yeah that's right!!! I'm the one doing all the freakin' work! Haha

We were very happy that Grandma Bates came. I think Eve would like to go live with her the way she hung on her the whole time. Grandma Bates gave me some dead presidents. I had fun going shopping for lace and rick rack and fabric to make curtains for the nursery. Hmm... what to do with the other dead presidents... don't worry... that's the kind of problem I can solve. :)

Here's one of the banners they had hung up. There was also another one from all the kids. It was very nicely decorated. Heck, I'm inspired, maybe I should have a baby ya think? Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

yackity shmackity

Well we've been experiencing camera problems (like having no camera). So, to keep everyone updated, here's what has happened during the last week.

Sunday & Monday (the 11th & 12th) the new season of "24" began. This will continue each Monday @ 9pm until 24 episodes have been shown.

Tuesday & Thursday (13th & 15th) were Eve & Monroe's swim lesson days. Their improvements are, happily, amazing (especially Monroe's).

Wednesday, Friday & Saturday were spent as either family time and/or work days.

We are nearly finished making shelves for the kids' room and then organize Clara's room better (like get all the kids' toys that seem to migrate over there, out).

More pictures are coming soon ... so stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Testing new boots

Today Eve got kitty rain boots and Monroe got car ones. They thought this was pretty dang neat. They had a great time racing through puddles and doing huge jumps. When they were done they had to dump the water out of them on the porch. Ha ha Eve went to preschool today and I thought since she was loving her kitty boots so much she would show them. She decided to bring the carboard tube that the crinkly paper you sit on at the doctor comes on that she had decorated with stickers. Funny kids.

Baby Clara the Elephant

Well, today I went to the doctor. Little Clara is measuring 2 weeks large. So, that is why I thought I've been feeling a trunk under my ribs. So she is measuring 35 weeks and I'm 33. Oh good heck! Good thing we love elephant Clara.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ... again???

This is a picture of the playground in our commons area and the snow that's falling.

Sing-A-Long "Sound of Music"

Yesterday Theresa, Tab, Ivy, Grandma & Elise went to the 5th Avenue to see the Sing-A-Long Sound Of Music. Theresa said it was one of the dorkiest things she had done in her life. Her favorite being waving a swatch of fabric to help "Maria" decide to make play clothes out of the curtains when the Capt. would not get her fabric. And other oddities similar.

There was A LOT of audience participation. Like when the Nazis were looking for them as they hid in the abbey, they were shining flashlights in the dark. There were like a hundred people in the audience who took out flashlights and shined them around the theater.

They had fun going to Seattle. They grabbed burgers at a place called "Dickey's."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goof ball Monroe

Well, tonight, Monroe decided to come into my room. So I say just a minute Monroe I gotta get a pillow for my belly. And he says "Yeah... I need a pillow.. my belly hurts. " And he gets himself all flipped out onto it. Pshaw! So cute I got up to take a picture and laughed my head off.