Saturday, February 21, 2009

The LOUD mouths of babes!

This evening I took the kids to Evergreen Park. We were a little late getting there by the time Monroe had a nap and dinner was done, but I did promised Monroe so we went. And Josh was kind enough to offer to stay home and clean up the house. Anyhoo.... we went down to the water part for 5 minutes after we were at the playground and when we came up everyone was suddenly gone. (Because they were smart. hehe) Except of course for 2 men polishing their cars in the dark 2 spots from where I park. This made me a little nervous, just because oh you know it's turned completely dark, and I don't know about you but I don't polish my car in the dark?? So I tell the kids it's important to hold my hand and go straight to the car because we don't know those people. BAD IDEA. The whole way Monroe is like.... "Mom! I see those guys!", "Mom!! Let's hurry!!", "Hurry!! Open the door!! They're coming to get us!!" He thought it was a really fun game. I just about died laughing once I shoved them in and locked the doors.

1 comment:

  1. HA! too funny. reminds me of the time in childwatch that the kids were out on the deck playing and katie points at a "little person" walking by and ~yells~ to me, "mom, why is that man so little?" i wanted to crawl into a hole...
