This Saturday the girls at work threw a baby shower for me and Clara. It turned out very well. Lots of friends, family, food and gifts for the little Clara. It was touching to have so many people involved and well wishing of Clara. This first picture is one of the gifts from Tab & Elise. A cute little giraffe towel. Awww.. eventually she'll be getting all dry in. (Probably screaming saying, "Ahhh! This bath is wet!") Tab and Elise also gave Clara an Einstein toy, my baby will be so smart. Of course.

This is a picture of one of the games we played. It was really neat to see baby pictures of co-workers. Funny thing is everyone knew which one was me by the hair. Hmmm Most people you could tell which one was theirs by the resemblence of their own children to them as kids.

This is the pile of loot. Kinda felt weird having that many gifts for Clara.... but that ackward feeling quickly subsided and digging in began. We are forunate to have so many people already loving Clara.

This is a little BYU shirt. I guess Mandy's Charlie won't be wearing a matching pink one afterall. But why not, real men can wear pink. Mandy, why don't you tell Jerel that, k? (ha)

This is one of my favorite gifts, if I had favorites, which I don't.... This is a handmade rag quilt from Michelle. It has Clara's name ebroidered on one of the squares. Michelle is quite ambitious. Super cute!

Ivy brought a cute little baby and mommy turtle for Clara. We've already packed the baby one to go to the hospital with us to be her special little stuffy. And Ivy gave me a dozen pink roses, yeah that's right!!! I'm the one doing all the freakin' work! Haha

We were very happy that Grandma Bates came. I think Eve would like to go live with her the way she hung on her the whole time. Grandma Bates gave me some dead presidents. I had fun going shopping for lace and rick rack and fabric to make curtains for the nursery. Hmm... what to do with the other dead presidents... don't worry... that's the kind of problem I can solve. :)

Here's one of the banners they had hung up. There was also another one from all the kids. It was very nicely decorated. Heck, I'm inspired, maybe I should have a baby ya think? Hope you enjoy the pictures.
i'm so excited for you guys! when is the due date again? man, for your 3rd child, you got alot of stuff! i really only got diapers for molly! then again, they only threw me a "diaper" shower! :D
ReplyDeletethat's alright. it's okay to have favorites. really. hehe.