Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cute things my babies say:

Eve this evening: She gets up and tells me there's something up her nose. I can't see anything. But she insists there's a tissue wad up there as she jams her finger up there trying to reach it. Humoring her we plug one side and she blows.. and blows..... To my amazement a ball of tissue wadded up the size of a marble flies out. I know this is gross.... but I laughed so hard I hope I didn't encourage this bizarre behavior. It was so amazing I almost posted a picture, but fortunately you're spared.

Monroe this afternoon: Monroe got upset with me and said.... "Mom!!! You're built upon the sand!!!!" That was the biggest insult he could think of. Last night for family home evening we talked about how when you follow Jesus you are built upon a rock. And apparently I'm built upon the sand!

Last week: Monroe and Eve were playing with a stethescope.... I was clapping the rhythm of a beating heart telling them that is what their heart sounds like. Monroe says,"There's little people inside of me clapping!!" ...with such excitement!!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sparing us the picture of the tissue wad :)

    don't kids say the stinkin' cutest things?! i love it!
