Sunday, March 1, 2009

More Clara Faye.

We are still all getting to know Clara and enjoy the time with her so little and new. Some pictures:

Here's daddy holding his special Clara at 1 day old.

Here's Clara looking all chill. She's a pretty chill baby. (3 days old)

Monroe is definitely interested in Clara. Though he thought that this chair was a much better toy. They've been using the car seat to sit in and play their video games.

Here's Monroe taking a turn with Clara. She is 1 day old here. He just thought it was funny and wanted me to get her off of him.

This is a common scene. Eve holds Clara for hours every day. Good thing that she needs to eat and get her diaper changed or I wouldn't have a chance to hold her. But really she eats and poops a lot so I'm not deprived. She's 2 days old here.

Eve holding Clara AGAIN/STILL.
I thought this was cute. Clara got a hold of daddy's finger. 4 days old.

Here's Eve posing for the camera. Once again holding Clara. Sometimes she tells me that Clara came out of her tummy and so that is why she needs to hold her. Hmmmm. 3 days old.

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