Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Evening

We went to the stake's New Year's Evening party. Yes that is evening not eve, because Eve gets really confused about that and thinks it's a party for her. But anyway, we went to childwatch for my 4 hour shift of the week, where Eve had hot cocoa with her friends. She thought that was fun, because usually he kids aren't supposed to spend much time in the kitchen. But it was only staff kids today and it is New Years Evening afterall. After that we went swimming. Then the kids got to go ice skating for the first time. Monroe was quite excited about this. He thought he was just the coolest thing ever... which he is. I didn't want to crack my belly open like an egg.... I'm so huge that seems to be a real possibility.... so some of the youth were kind enough to take the kids out and help them. They had a really good time. Everyone was going to ring in the new years SLC time at 11 pm.... for all the fuddy duddies that didn't want to stay up that late. Well what does it mean that we left with grouchy kids at 9:30?? I think that makes us smarty uhhhh smarty parties-ers. We'll be asleep at midnight so keep the noise down please. Happy New Years. :)

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